Mahmut Orhan & Colonel Bagshot – 6 Days versuri in romana si engleza

Mahmut Orhan & Colonel Bagshot – 6 Days versuri in romana

La inceput de saptamana
La discutiile din summit, ii vei auzi vorbind,
E abia luni
Negocierile esueaza,
Vezi liderii aceia incepand sa se incrunte,
E ziua sabiei si a armei,
Maine nu vine niciodata pana nu e prea tarziu

Am putea sta sa luam pranzul,
Stirile te vor izbi ca o lovitura,
E abia marti

Credeai ca nu vom merge niciodata la razboi,
Dupa toate cate le-am vazut,
E 1 aprilie, ziua pacalelilor,
Maine nu vine niciodata pana nu e prea tarziu

Cu toti vom alerga sub pamant
Si vom asculta sunetul,
E abia miercuri

In adapostul tau, slab luminat,
Ia niste lana si invata sa impletesti,
Caci e o zi lunga
Maine nu vine niciodata pana nu e prea tarziu

Vei auzi un suierat deasupra capului,
Esti in viata sau esti mort?
E abia joi

Simti zguduirea pamantului,
Un milion de lumanari ard imprejur,
E ziua ta de nastere?
Maine nu vine niciodata pana nu e prea tarziu

Desi acel adapost e casa ta:
Corect: un spatiu in care ai crescut,
E abia joi

Pe masura ce iesi la lumina,
Pot ochii tai sa cuprinda privelistea?
Trebuie sa fie Judecata de Apoi
Maine nu vine niciodata pana nu e prea tarziu

Nu-i amuzant cum gandesc oamenii,
Ei au creat bomba, ei pier,
E abia sambata

Cred ca maine vine, cred ca-i prea tarziu
Cred ca maine vine, cred ca-i prea tarziu
Cred ca maine vine, cred ca-i prea tarziu

Mahmut Orhan & Colonel Bagshot – 6 Days versuri in engleza

At the starting of the week
At summit talks you’ll hear them speak
It’s only Monday
Negotiations breaking down
See those leaders start to frown
It’s sword and gun day

Tomorrow never comes until it’s too late

You could be sitting taking lunch
The news will hit you like a punch
It’s only Tuesday.

You never thought we’d go to war
After all the things we saw
It’s April Fools day.
Tomorrow never comes until it’s too late.

We’ll all go running underground
And we’ll be listening for the sound
It’s only Wednesday.

In your shelter, dimly lit,
Take some wool and learn to knit
‘Cause it’s a long day.
Tomorrow never comes until it’s too late.

You’ll hear a whistling overhead
Are you alive or are you dead?
It’s only Thursday.

You feel the shaking of the ground
A million candles burn around
Is it your birthday?
Tomorrow never comes until it’s too late.

Although that shelter is your home
Correction: A living space you have outgrown
It’s only Friday.

As you come out to the light,
Can your eyes behold the sight?
It must be Doomsday!
Tomorrow never comes until it’s too late.

Ain’t it funny how men think
They made the bomb, they are extinct
It’s only Saturday.

I think tomorrow’s come, I think it’s too late
I think tomorrow’s come, I think it’s too late
Think tomorrow’s come, I think it’s too late 

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